A better way to connect

Connecting is more than just scrolling through social media, you need to get out on the water and reel in some real fish.

See upcoming journeys on explore

Find boaties hosting trips or crews looking for someone to take them out. All the journeys close to your location will show up here.

Find a boatie

Don't own a boat? Find local boat owners that are keen to take a crew out fishing.

Find a crew

Looking to take a group out fishing? find a good fit to take out for a day fishing.

Create your own journey

Whether you own a boat or not. Create a journey to fill up others explore feed. Let people know what you are looking for and start creating a crew by accepting those who request it.

Host a trip

If you have a boat, create a trip that you can invite some crew onto.

Build a crew

If you have a crew that wants to go out fishing, create a journey so hosts can find you.
New journey screenshot

Share your best fishing content

View the best feed for fishing content and keep up to date with you're favourite people. Create a profile so people can trust to take you out with them.

See what your friends are up to

Keep up to date with the latest fishiing content your friends are posting in private bay.

Support a creator

Get exclusive content and show your support to your favourite creator on the app.
Feed screenshot

Log your days out fishing

Enter details about any fishing trips you do, so that you can search back through winning spots and perfect weather matches.

Save details about your day

Record details about a spot you were at to keep track of it.

Filter for records

Filter your logs by a location area, species or weather pattern to maximise your next day out.
Logbook screenshot

Contact us

Need to get in contact with us? Send an email to the following address and we will try get back to you as soon as possible.

[email protected]